<back to all web services
The following routes are available for this service:GET | /GetAllWrapUpCodes/{License}/{iHuntgroup} | | |
GET | /GetAllWrapUpCodesByDirection/{License}/{iHuntgroup}/{direction} | | |
GET | /GetAllWrapUpCallbackTime/{License}/{iHuntgroup}/{getWrapUpCallBack} | | |
POST | /AddUpdateWrapUpCode | | |
POST | /AddUpdateWrapUpCallbackTime | | |
POST | /DeleteWrapUpCode | | |
POST | /DeleteWrapUpCallbackTime | | |
POST | /GetAllWrapUpCodesForAccount | | |
POST | /GetAllWrapUpCallbackTimeForAccount | | |
GET | /GetCallHistoryForNumber/{License}/{number}/{iCustomer} | | |
POST | /SaveCallHistoryForNumber | | |
GET | /GetAgentRecentCalls/{License}/{iAccount} | | |
GET | /GetAgentsCallbackTimeHistory/{License}/{iCustomer} | | |
POST | /UpdateActualCallBackTime | | |
GET | /GetAccountsforIcustomer/{License}/{iCustomer} | | |
POST | /UpdateScheduledCallBackTime | | |
POST | /SaveWrapupTime | | |
GET | /GetWrapUpTime/{License}/{iCustomer} | | |
To override the Content-type in your clients HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses.
The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /xml/oneway/WrapUpCodesRequest HTTP/1.1
Host: 7el.co
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length
<WrapUpCodesRequest xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/PortaPlus2.API.Web.Dto">
<saveWrapUpTime xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/PortaPlus2.API.Data.Models.API">
<updateActualCallbackTime xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/PortaPlus2.API.Data.Models.API">
<updateScheduledCallbackTime xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/PortaPlus2.API.Data.Models.API">
<wrapUpCallHistory xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/PortaPlus2.API.Data.Models.API">